

When you buy a stroller or another item in our shop, you have the statutory warranty rights. Please keep the receipt as proof of purchase. But if you have misplaced it, that's okay. We stand for excellent service and we won't leave anyone out in the cold.

In addition, we offer an additional 2-year guarantee for our strollers, which does not limit the statutory warranty rights.

If there is ever a problem with your stroller, please contact us by email at

VERY GOOD 4.96/5.00


In addition to our great products, we also stand for excellent customer service. All inquiries are processed as quickly as possible. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. This is also demonstrated by our numerous positive reviews on ( very good out of well over 700 reviews). is one of the largest external rating systems that operates completely independently.

So read our reviews and see for yourself!


They actually prefer a close-up test and want to see and feel what the stroller can do, what it looks like, etc. However, you can only find many of our strollers here online - such as the popular FX.

In a shop you can certainly look at the strollers and even drive a little way, but: If you order one of our strollers, perhaps still with in the back of your mind: "who knows... maybe it's not so great after all...", don't worry.

You have two weeks from receipt to look at the stroller at home, feel it, test drive it, see how the attachments can be changed, in other words everything that is important to you and decisive for your purchase. We hope you are delighted! But if for some reason the stroller does not suit you, just let us know via the contact form, email, WhatsApp or Messenger and we will take care of the return immediately. You will be provided with return slips free of charge. We will also find the nearest shop for you to return it to, etc. As soon as the stroller is back with us, you will immediately receive a full refund of the purchase price.

In short:

  1. You order and pay for the stroller or other items from our shop.
  2. You test the stroller for 2 weeks at home.
  3. If you decide against the stroller, please contact us informally.
  4. We will send you free return slips and all information about the nearest GLS shop.
  5. You send the stroller back to us.
  6. After receipt, we will immediately refund the purchase price to you.

If you have any further questions regarding returns, please do not hesitate to contact us.