Babyschale i-Size

What is an i-Size baby car seat?

The abbreviation “i-Size” refers to the latest approval standard for child car seats. Approval standards for child car seats regulate which safety standards and technical specifications child car seats must meet in order to be approved for the European market.

There are currently three child seat standards in force in the EU: ECE R 44/03, ECE R 44/04 and ECE R 129. The i-Size standard is part of the latest test standard ECE R 129, or officially: “EU Safety Regulation for Child Restraint Systems UN/ECE Regulation 129”. This regulation, which came into force in July 2013, sets stricter requirements for the approval of child seats than the previous standards.

What is new is that the child seat classes will now be height and no longer by body weight as before. In addition, babies in seats with i-Size approval must be These changes are intended to prevent children from moving to the next child seat class too early. The new standard increases the technical safety standard for child seats and requires side impact protection . 

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